Beth Reimschissel MSN, RN, CNL

Beth Reimschissel MSN, RN, CNL

How has the current pandemic increased the urgency for nurses to be in leadership positions on boards?

“I attended the Nurses on Boards training in 2018 and I could not have known how much the training would come to life during this time being a nurse leader during COVID-19. Now serving both on the Houston Organization for Nurse Leaders (HONL) and my local Angleton Chamber of Commerce Board, I see the impact I make in my board position each day outside of formalized meetings. Speaking up to reduce community anxiety, providing the correct education to the public, and even speaking on behalf of the bedside clinician are just a few examples of how my board membership transpired during this time. Being asked to speak on behalf of the organizations as someone who is familiar and trusted paired with my nursing expertise is quite the honor. I have seen groups and businesses identify a gap in how to deliver their services or mission and come straight to a trusted and reliable source…a nurse! Something inspiring that I have seen during the pandemic is local community boards seeking the advice and expertise of nursing to help guide the “what’s next” for their organizations. One advice I have for nurses contemplating serving on boards is do not wait for a pandemic or natural disaster to step up and lead. You have so much to give and share, so why not now?”

June 1, 2020

Nurses on Boards Coalition