Donna Ingram

Donna Ingram

Credentials: DNP, MSN, RN

Place of Employment: Middle Georgia State University

Which Nursing Organizations are you currently a member of: Georgia Association for Nursing Education

Board(s) currently serving on: Susan G Komen Central Georgia, Georgia Association for Nursing Education


Tell us about your journey to the boardroom. What inspired you to seek a leadership position?

I just wanted to make a difference by serving in this capacity.

What are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and develop as a leader?

I recently joined the Rotary Club in my local county. I also attend professional development opportunities.

What impact have you had serving on a board? Example?

I have organized the “Race for a Cure” for 2 years in central Georgia, I raise funds for Susan G Komen, and provide professional development opportunities for nurses across the state of Georgia.

What advice would you give someone going into a board leadership position for the first time?

Read and abide by the organizational bylaws. Seek and assume an entry level position/committee chair to learn the processes of the organization.

What are a few resources you would recommend to someone looking to gain insight into becoming a better leader and eventually obtaining a board position?

Connect with peers for potential board opportunities, attend professional development activities in leadership, and keep an updated CV.

Why do you feel it is important for nurses to serve on boards?

To have a voice with regards to healthcare issues and to display leadership attributes that enhance the profession.

What do you think is the most significant barrier to nurses serving on boards?



Donna Ingram DNP, MSN, RN October 30, 2017

Boards: Susan G Komen Central Georgia, Georgia Association for Nursing Education
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Nurses on Boards Coalition